Is anyone Else breaking Out right Now?

wearing absolutely no makeup
Please tell me I’m not the only one breaking out right now. sad panda! I’ve got a few tiny whiteheads along my hairline, my jawline, and some on my chest as well, and this is probably TMI, but I’m going there anyway…but I have one on my left booty cheek, too.



Anywho! thank goodness the ones on my face at the moment aren’t the uncomfortable red kind I get sometimes on my chin, because those are the worst.

This current breakout is probably half due to not sleeping well at night because of this extreme heatwave we’ve been having (and us not having air conditioning), and half due to three twins Salted Caramel Ice Cream, which I’ve been eating A lot of lately. Whenever I up my dairy intake, I break out, but dangit! — why’s it gotta taste so good?

Is anyone else breaking out right now? Inquiring minds want to know.

In fact, let’s do this as a poll…

Is anyone else breaking out right now?

Yup, I am

Nope, not right now

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Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


P.S. What are you breakout triggers? My main ones are dairy, hormones and not drinking enough water.

Published by xndub

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