Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup and appeal blog Mascot, Vol. 429

The gifts have been unwrapped, the guests have all gone home, and the house is finally quiet. now I’m sitting here admiring the tree ? with my favorite gentleman tabby while sipping a cup of tea and listening to the crackling of the Netflix yule log ? on TV.

It was a good Christmas for Tabs. He seemed relieved when we left him in command of the house yesterday afternoon while we went to check out my parents in the east Bay. Honestly, I think he cherished the alone time, because when we got back home this morning and he saw that we brought back Connor, Tabs had a familiar look on his face that said, “Oh, I see you brought her back… Great.”


I think he hopes that we’ll come back one day and he’ll be an only child again, even though I keep describing to him that she’s a permanent member of our ? ? family. “She’s your younger sister, Tabs,” I tell him, but he isn’t quite convinced.

He’s been very great to her lately, though. I think it’s because he’s feeling the Christmas spirit. ?

It was another successful Christmas because 1) the tree remained standing (i.e. Tabs didn’t knock it over, again), and 2) I don’t think he drank the dirty water from the base of the tree. Or, he did drink the dirty water from the base of the tree, but he was better about hiding it.


Tabs hopes that you and your fur babies had a sweet Christmas. We’ll see you on the morrow, friend. Tonight, Tabs is going to fall asleep with a tummy filled with gravy, just as it must be on Christmas.

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addicts,

Karen and Tabs

Published by xndub

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