Sundays With Tabs the Cat, makeup as well as beauty blog Mascot, Vol. 591

Tabs had excellent table manners for a roguish food enthusiast.

Contrast this with PGR (Pretty woman Rosie), who likes to have food poured over her head when she comes to the bowl…


She’s polite about most things, however when it comes to food, she’s got absolutely no shame.

Tabs, though, would wait patiently while you prepared his food. even though he liked to eat, as evidenced by his profound girth. (At the height of his powers, he was a mighty 18 pounds.) however he would always wait up until you were out of the way…

And then he’d stroll over to enjoy his meal…

Little understood fact: Tabs was an accomplished inventor.
He was likewise a extremely successful kitty supermodel in the gravy-themed makeup as well as beauty space.


Cats are so funny with their weird quirks!

Your friendly community beauty addict,


Published by xndub

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