What beauty services Are You missing right Now?

(Me about to cut El Hub’s hair in the middle of the night)
Are you going with any type of beauty service withdrawals right now?

Because I am. I ran into my neighbor the other day (not literally; we obeyed the 6-ft rule), as well as the very first thing she stated was, “Look. just LOOK!” while pointing at the top of her head, where a fresh crop of grays had sprung up since the shelter-in-place order started. She stated she really, truly misses visiting the salon.


I told her I felt her pain… I’m desperately missing the salon, however not for a hair coloring service (I started growing out my grays last year). I want a haircut, since this thing on my head is out of control! My last cut was almost a year back when Tabs passed away, as well as now the layers have grown out, so I feel like I’m using a wet golden retriever on my head. ?

Man, I should’ve made an visit back in February.

On the glass-half-full side, I’ve never been happier about growing out my grays! ? Seriously, if somebody would’ve told me a year back it would really are available in handy during an upcoming worldwide pandemic crisis, I would NOT have believed them, however ya know…here we are.


What beauty services are you missing right now?

Your friendly community beauty addict,


Published by xndub

Categories: Uncategorized

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