Makeup and appeal blog Monday Poll, Vol. 645

Yes, please!

So…what is the Monday Poll?

Excellent question! It isn’t, in contrast to its name, an actual poll, like with little clicky buttons. It’s just a list of five a lot more or less random questions I’ve been posting on this blog every Monday morning for the past quadrillion years (since 2007). I love reading your answers, and it helps me get my week off to a good start. ?

1. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate or white chocolate?

Dark chocolate tastes like punishment to me…and white chocolate doesn’t really taste like much at all, so I’ll take some really good milk chocolate for the win, please! See’s preferably! ??

2. would you like winged liner with a matte finish, or a shiny finish today?

I’ll choose shiny today.


3. Something you’re putting off at the moment?

Cleaning my bathroom… I’ve got to do it soon (hopefully this week) because it’s on the brink of true grossness! Not quite full-on disgusting yet, but it’s getting there.

4. A odd beauty-related pet peeve of yours?

I absolutely cannot stand when my hair smells like barbecue. YUCK! Also, when my toenails or fingernails are even just a tad too long, I’m generally non-functional. I can’t think about anything other than cutting my nails when they get like that, and I’ll obsess over it until it’s done.

5. Who’s your dream travel partner?

Besides Keanu Reeves? El Hub, I guess. LOL! He’s very detail oriented, so I know that even if I’m completely out of it (like if it’s 3 a.m.
and I’m delirious from lack of sleep), and there’s a train or a connecting flight we absolutely cannot miss, I know we’ll get to where we need to opt for all the paperwork and everything ready to go.


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Plus, homeboy’s pretty funny. He’s always available for a hug if I need one and is always up for an adventure… and I’m also going to have to include my childhood friends Jen and Cindy, who I still hang out with. I’ve traveled extensively with them over the years, and we haven’t killed each other yet, haha! They’re both incredibly easygoing, which is yin to my yang.

6. Who’s always on your playlist?

Honestly, these days it’s always one of the Disney princesses, hahaha! Connor loves Disney motion pictures and music, so I like to have Disney princess tunes available to play at a moment’s notice in case she feels the need to bust out into song.

7. What’s something you learned about makeup in the last few years that really shocked you?

That brown eyeliner is your BFF!

8. What does your afternoon look like today?

Got a few errands to run and a couple things to write, but otherwise not extremely busy if I’m mindful of the time and stay on task.

9. What’s the name you put on your Starbucks order?

I use ‘Karen’ a lot of of the time, but there are those rare days when I can’t deal with someone writing ‘Kelvin’ or ‘Kerran’ or ‘Kiera,’ so I end up giving my nickname, which is Kate.

Nobody seems to mess up Kate for some reason!

Your friendly neighborhood appeal addict,



P.S. here are the questions to copy/paste with your answers in a comment. speak to ya soon.

1. Dark chocolate, milk chocolate, or white chocolate?
2. would you like winged liner with a matte or shiny finish today?
3. Something you’re putting off at the moment?
4. A odd beauty-related pet peeve of yours?
5. Who’s your dream travel partner?
6. Who’s always on your playlist?
7. What’s something you learned about makeup in the last few years that really shocked you?
8. What does your afternoon look like today?
9. What’s the name you put on your Starbucks order?

P.P.S. You’re going to have a great day, my friend. I just know it! ?

Published by xndub

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